Parent/Guardian of Pawnee students:
As you know we made the decision in the best interests of staff and students to move to
remote learning from 8/30-9/2 because of exposure to positive COVID cases. It is
interesting how the virus is showing symptoms in our kids, and it is easy to mistake for
one of the many other illnesses going around right now.
In an effort to keep the school open, we are going to encourage all students and staff to
stay home if any sickness is felt and not return to school until we are all sure that no
COVID is present. Testing is the best means of verifying a covid infection. We will be
watching students closely for symptoms at school and start taking temperatures of all
staff and students each morning when they board a bus or arrive at school. The district
will also continue many of the protective measures put in place last year including
extensive cleaning, HEPA air filtration, and distancing. Please help us by doing home
screenings every morning, and if your student is using a personal water bottle, cleaning
it regularly. Also, please continue to support your student in exercising good hygiene
habits with clean clothes, backpacks, other personal items, and frequent hand washing.
Masks remain recommended, but not required.
Students and staff with suspected COVID symptoms after exposure will be required to
quarantine at home for 14 days with no symptoms in some cases. Normally a student
can return after 10 days with no symptoms, and as early as 7 days if they test negative.
You can have them tested or request that the school does it for you at no cost if a
waiver is in place. Please contact us if you have testing questions. Testing is entirely
optional but can be a helpful tool.
As always, please call the office in the morning for any absence and let us know if there
is something we can do to help. We are looking forward to the return to healthy inperson learning on September 7th and keeping the school open by working together.
Thank You, Mr. Robinson, Supt.