Pawnee School District RE-12
2021-2022 Return to School Plans
As important as the education of our students is the safety and health of our students, staff, and community. Keep in mind that children get much more out of school than education.
Many of you have been calling regarding information for the start of school, and although the rules of the state are changing daily, we feel as if we can communicate some good information at this point. At Pawnee we will try to keep things as simple as possible and deal with any health concern that comes up, including COVID-19, with good communication and common sense.
Students will be kept in cohort groups according to their grade(s) and interaction between cohort groups will be limited to prevent any spread of virus. This also allows smaller group quarantine if necessary rather than the whole school. We will follow all guidelines set forth by the CDC and State Health Department for safety and prevention.
Masks are recommended by the CDC for all students age 2 and up. At this point Pawnee School will support the decision of the parent and their student regarding masking. We will keep other safety practices in place to protect our students from the spread of the virus.
Some of the things you will see in place to protect your students and staff:
· Additional cleaning and disinfecting of the school
· Hand sanitizer stations readily available at entrances, classrooms, cafeteria, and classrooms
· Additional monitored sick beds
· No-touch faucets and flushers installed in restrooms
· Training of students regarding proper hand washing and social distancing
· Special disinfection blowers that can be used on all surfaces which prevent the spread of germs for 72 hours. These will be used twice a week on all occupied areas including busses.
· Automatic door openers installed on the main entrance of the school
· The use of alternate arrival times for students and cafeteria use
· All tables in classrooms have been replaced with desks to promote recommended social distancing.
· The HVAC system fans will be turned up to increase fresh air flow. Improved filtration has been added to the system.
· Parents should conduct a health screening at home every day.
Look for more information as it becomes available regarding any changes to the current plan. We look forward to a great year, and getting school back to ‘as normal as possible’!
Thanks, Bret Robinson, Supt.